Service Communications

Eight ways to get close to your customers (and learn how to improve the customer service experience you provide)

By 2010-04-14 February 4th, 2020 2 Comments

Want to add more value to your customers? Be sure
you know what to add!

Here are eight proven ways to get close to your customers and find out what they value, what they
care about, what they really want:

1. Ask them! Whether in print, in person or over the phone, nothing beats asking customers exactly what they want, and how they want it. (Ask them what they don’t want, too!) Use printed sheets, mail-back forms, comment cards, telephone scripts and more.

2. Conduct focus groups. Bring a group of customers together for an open-ended chat session. Set them at ease and get them talking about what they really like, don’t like and wish they could get from your organization. Don’t defend, justify or argue. Just ask questions and take good notes. Follow up with a sincere and generous ‘Thank you!’

3. Study complaints and compliments. Every message from a customer brings value to your organization. Compliments show you what to reinforce. Complaints point to new ideas
to boost customer loyalty and action steps for customer
service improvement.

4. Set up a customer hotline. Some customers will tell you what they think, but they want an ‘anonymous’ way to do it. Fine! Set up a special voice recording ‘hotline’ for customers only. And don’t worry about receiving any strange messages; just sort through them for the gems!

5. Hire a Mystery Shopper. Have someone you trust mingle with your customers and strike up conversation to find out what they like or do not like about their customer service experience with your organization.

6. Become a customer of your best competitors. Use all their products and services, and compare them to your own. Ask their Customer Service Center to describe all the services available in detail. Then copy the best and do better than the rest.

7. Visit your customer’s site. Go to your customer’s physical location to see exactly how they put your products and services to use. See with your own eyes what works and what doesn’t, what gets used all the time and what gets left behind.

8. Go online to seek more feedback. Find an Internet user’s group related to your industry or topic. Read the postings for new customer service ideas and information. Participate in the discussions. Follow up by e-mail to gain even deeper customer experience insights.

Key Learning Point

Before you invest time, money and effort into ‘adding value’ to improve your customers’ experience, make sure
you know exactly what value to add!

Action Steps

Stay close to your customers throughout the year with a robust customer experience management program
of connection and consultation. Your customers will appreciate the contact, your staff will learn from the customer service insights, and your business will grow from the continuous, constructive communication.


  • Girish Shenoy says:

    Hi Ron,
    We have designed and developed cost effective eco freindly packaging design and solutions, over all their saveing is nearly 20% i.e.Rs 12,00,000/- per month. We are giving good service by timely supplies, maintaining stock also on JIT basis. We have put dedicated person at the client’s site to care for stocks in all respects on weekly basis. Yet with all this timely service, the customer is showing attitude and developing a second supplier. How to address this customer is our prime concern. Can you please HELP us in this regards,
    Warm Regards
    Girish Shenoy, Prajwal Marketing, Bangalore

    • @GirishShenoy Your efforts for your customer are admirable. Keep them up. Competition is a fact of commercial life. If your customer is developing a second supplier, then this is a great opportunity for you to acknowledge that with your customer, and engage in ongoing dialogue and continuous service improvements to ensure that between the two suppliers, you are and remain the preferred (but not the only).

      I would caution you on one point in your comment. When you wrote “the customer is showing attitude”, it sounds like either they are complaining, or you are complaining about them. Complaints are only useful when they lead to action.

      Wishing you and your customer all the best! Ron